
Black women’s reproductive rights

By |2016-04-06T04:50:03-04:00February 27th, 2011|Uncategorized|

Now that that pesky billboard bearing awful news about the frequency of abortion among black women (59% of all pregnancies, according to the website it leads you to) has been removed, we can all go back to treating abortion as a sacred cow, not open for discussion lest the right to it be taken away. [...]

More about welfare bashing

By |2016-10-23T02:33:07-04:00February 19th, 2011|Uncategorized|

Dear State Senator John Bonacic (New York): Thank you for your reply on October 8th to my letter regarding the distribution of a bit of extra to welfare recipients this summer. In response, I begin by drawing your attention to the opinion of prominent economists working at the international and national levels who are far [...]

Still waiting for a response re: cutting foods stamps to help special interest groups

By |2011-02-06T23:14:00-05:00February 6th, 2011|Uncategorized|

September 22, 2010Public Employee Press125 Barclay StreetNew York, NY 10005Dear Public Employee Press Editor:I am a local 768 social worker working in pediatrics, and am troubled to read about the deal to cut $12 billion from the Food Stamp program in order to fund the $26 billion Jobs Bill. This deal was aggressively advocated for [...]

Burning through money at the Human Resources Administration

By |2016-10-23T02:33:07-04:00January 11th, 2011|Uncategorized|

Michael J. Keegan, Managing Editor The Business of Management Magazine IBM Center for the Business of Government 1301 K Street NW Washington, D.C. 20005 Dear Mr. Keegan: I was very interested in your interview with Mr. Robert Doar of the New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA) in your Spring 2010 edition, thanks, since I [...]

Food Pantries and the Foodies

By |2016-10-23T02:33:07-04:00January 11th, 2011|Uncategorized|

It is great that Sandra Lee, the girlfriend of new New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, feels strongly about helping people who have no money for food. I worry though that she will be diverted from helping people, and instead her good will will result in food pantries to growing larger. While on its surface it [...]

Re: Clergy Ask New Efforts to Lower NY Abortion Rates, January 7th, 2011

By |2016-04-06T04:09:08-04:00January 11th, 2011|Uncategorized|

To the Editor at NY Times: The abortion rate here is "downright chilling" as the Archbishop says. While I consider myself a feminist, I do not share NOW's zeal for abortion. The conference protestors chanted "we're here to say, family planning is OK." But abortion is not family planning, contraception is. Abortion should be available [...]

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