Eureka Springs, continued.
More images of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, from my stay there. Stories to come.
Eureka Springs, Arkansas life
I was in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, last week. I had a great time in so many ways. Here are some of the photos, with more to come later and some stories.
Disastrous Homelessness Policy Makes Us All Crazy
This month, we read that a woman set another woman afire at a shelter in Queens, New York after an argument. In 2016, a man was practically beheaded at a Manhattan shelter after an argument gone bad. A DHS spokesperson said of the fire starter, “this unconscionable act goes against everything we stand for.” This [...]
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families federal block grants
What used to be the centerpiece of U.S. social welfare policy, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, however imperfect it was, has become a slush fund for states to plug their own budget gaps instead of an anti-poverty program.
Democrats for Life – DFLA – National Conference Speakers 2018
Democrats For Life of America (DFLA) is hosting its inaugural Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado on July 20-22, 2018. The DFLA Annual Conference is the pinnacle of our work to rejuvenate the Democratic Party with pro-life Democrats. One in 3 Democrats is pro-life or have significant reservations about our current abortion policy, and significant concerns [...]
Business Insider publishes an excerpt of The War on Normal People by Andrew Yang
Success in America has nothing to do with hard work.
Save the Storks
Stork Buses provide resources and long-term help to women considering abortion, giving expectant mothers the opportunity to explore all of their options at no cost. Visit Save the Storks website at for more information and to support this great organization.
Stuff that Makes No Sense: United States
What if legislators LEGISLATED that the dollar amount of a Food Stamp monthly benefit match the amount the USDA itself says is needed to buy the amount and quality of food that keeps a person alive?