
Creation vs. Consumption

By |2018-11-23T18:48:35-05:00October 7th, 2017|Childhood Memories, Incivility, bad manners, Universal Basic Income|

There is something very satisfying about saving a piece of old furniture. I think of the people who have sat on it, or at it, maybe talking out a problem not different from the problems I have; or maybe they planned a birthday party, or a trip, or how they'd make the rent on a [...]

Poverty: All in Your Head, According to Those Paid to Know Better

By |2018-02-11T14:01:13-05:00June 6th, 2017|Poverty and income, Stupid politicians|

If there is any one thing that could make a person unfit to head up federal housing policy in the United States, it would be his belief that poverty is a “state of mind.” Despite centuries and decades of intelligent discussion, research and policymaking on the subject, here comes Dr. Ben Carson, Secretary of the [...]

What adolescents want to say about school

By |2017-09-11T20:31:57-04:00April 26th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Earlier this week while in East Harlem, New York, I stopped into a lunch spot around the time the kids were getting out of school. Four young women sat down near me to have a bite, too. On my way out, I stopped by their table and introduced myself. Then I asked them if they [...]

Auditor finds DHHS misspent $13M in welfare funds

By |2016-10-23T02:33:05-04:00October 20th, 2016|Stupid politicians|

This year is the twentieth anniversary of 1996's welfare reform law. In it, President Bill Clinton gave full control for how to spend federal anti-poverty funds to state level administrators. From 1996 on, the federal government would stay out of states' decisions on how to spend their welfare block grants. The accountability was reduced practically [...]

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