Politicians, all types

National Priorities?

Is it lost on anyone that in a city where we say we want to end inequality, that all the kids who sell candy on the train are black, while almost none of the 895 kids who got into Stuyvesant High School this year were black? That's really, really bad.

Explaining U.S. Social Safety Net to Scandinavians is Utterly Embarrassing

UBI, and candidates who are committed to making it the law are where we need to be investing our energy, not in charity, tweaking failed Welfare "to Work" policies state to state, not in passing out sandwiches and Thanksgiving turkeys.

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families federal block grants

What used to be the centerpiece of U.S. social welfare policy, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, however imperfect it was, has become a slush fund for states to plug their own budget gaps instead of an anti-poverty program.

A candidate for President wants a Universal Basic Income

Andrew Yang, a not-for-profit and for profit entrepreneur is running for President of the United States. I for one couldn't be happier. Those who have been reading me for some time, and those who know me, know that I couldn't be sicker of the current public "assistance" system: the one that distributes insufficient amounts of [...]

By |2018-11-23T18:55:14-05:00February 11th, 2018|Featured, Politicians, all types|0 Comments

FDR’s Freedom from Want: Time to Remember

- Photo by John Simoes (jsfotographic.tumblr.com) - FDR despised soup kitchens and bread lines and thought them to be shameful evidence of our failure to create income distribution policies for our people.

By |2018-01-06T13:04:05-05:00December 27th, 2017|Politicians, all types, Poverty and income|0 Comments

Marco Rubio’s pre-Thanksgiving hypocrisy on helping “working families.”

In Rubio's Florida, for example, the maximum monthly welfare payment for a family is $303, even though a federal poverty line income is about $1500 a month for a family of three. That's some lifestyle.

By |2018-11-23T18:48:21-05:00November 12th, 2017|Politicians, all types, Poverty and income|0 Comments

GOP race is “heating up”

I've watched the GOP debates, including the latest, South Carolina. The practical and intellectual content is about as hot as a wet pickle. The content is smoke and mirrors: nothing about banking systems, foreclosures, justice, the dismantling of free speech via the National Defense Reauthorization Act, or the poverty that creates the need for the [...]

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