Diane outdoors

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex…It takes a
touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.”

– E.F. Schumacher

  • Co-founder of the Basic Income March
  • Organizer of Basic Income NYC, 2015 to 2019
  • Social Worker
  • Writer
Group of Basic Income March participants

People of Basic Income

What Would You Do?

Generally speaking, once we get used to something, it no longer worries us.
Ihara Saikaku, Poet
Guaranteed income would not only establish freedom as a reality rather than a slogan, it would also establish a principle deeply rooted in Western religious and humanist tradition: man has the right to live, regardless!
Erich Fromm, Psychologist
The assurance of a certain minimum income for everyone, or a sort of floor below which nobody need fall even when he is unable to provide for himself, appears not only to be a wholly legitimate protection against a risk common to all, but a necessary part of the Great Society in which the individual no longer has specific claims on the members of the particular small group into which he was born.
F. A. Hayek, Law, Legislation and Liberty (1979), vol. 3
A certain small income, sufficient for necessities, should be secured for all, whether they work or not.
Bertrand Russell
I am now convinced that the simplest solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a new widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.
Martin Luther King Jr.

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